1. Study from the comfort of your own home at the times that suit you
These days, you are supposed to have, and be, it all – wonderful mother/father, valuable employee with a rigid exercise regime, clean house, full fridge and active social life. But when does what the ‘real you’ want fit in? Studying interior design online allows you the flexibility of fitting your study in around your already jammed-packed schedule. Most courses, like the one offered by the Interior Design Academy, are self-paced which means you can set achievable studying goals to help maintain your momentum and motivation.
2. Affordable fees
Online courses cost substantially less than those offered on campus. Online providers have fewer expenses to incur than traditional brick and mortar classes and these savings are passed directly on to the students. For example, you are not contributing to fund the lecturer to come and speak to a sardine-filled classroom. You will also save money when it comes to travel arrangements. Not only will you have the convenience of a hassle-free route to ‘class’ (walking from your lounge room to your study), you will also be in the pocket on fuel or public transport costs.
3. Help is an only email away
Instead of trying to tackle your lecturer as he is already rushing off to his next class with a question you presume will make him look at you like you’re back in primary school – online study is backed up with online support. The Interior Design Academy, for example, offers students the opportunity to email or phone through their questions with a 24hr turn-around. While you work on building your confidence, your questions will be answered with a policy that there are no silly questions.
4. The course materials are delivered to you
Your course materials will be delivered to you generally by email or by post if your provider offers this method. This is the total sum of your course materials for the week/fortnight. This means there is no need to rush out and purchase further reading materials, or massive text books or to have a heart failure because someone has borrowed the library book you needed. You also won’t need to worry about missing out on lecture notes because your 5-year had a ballet recital. Your tutorial will be waiting for you in your inbox until you are ready. And even if this is accidentally deleted, as important things sometimes are, help will only be a click away.
5. Be inspired in your own interior
Interior design is an inspired, creative sense of expression and where better to study it than in your own interior space. As you work through your materials, you might be inclined to look up from your tutorial to see how the latest on-trend splash back would look like in your kitchen. Assignments are generally real-world and hands-on. With your home as your classroom and you can start applying the lessons straight away, locking in practical skills and life-long learning techniques.