Study with confidence
Our guarantee is very simple and straightforward. In the first instance, the Academy will not accept students in this interior design course unless we have a reasonable expectation that they are capable of obtaining their Certificate of Completion.
First and foremost, we offer a 7-day refund policy, where you may examine the first tutorial for seven days. If you decide for any reason whatsoever not to proceed, simply email the Academy within this period for a full refund of any fees paid.
If, at the end of the course, the Examining Board feels that the Certificate of Completion should be withheld, the course will be extended at no cost.
If, after a further period of tuition determined by your Tutor, you have still not reached a stage where the Certificate of Completion can be awarded, your course fees will be refunded in full.
It is agreed, that students must complete the course to be eligible for refunds. Please see the “Terms and Conditions” on your Enrolment Application for full details.
Discover the rules of colour, form, texture and lighting
Find out how to set yourself up as a freelance interior designer and deal with clients
Get creative with colour, learning top tips from working interior design professionals
Learn how to arrange rooms to maximise space. Our interior design course can show you how.